Located at the entrance of the Arena District, 10 West is a prominent welcoming structure to all who visit the Arena District. Constructed on the site of a former parking lot, bounded by two active rail lines, and a bridge abutment to High Street, Lupton Rausch designed this urban building that expands Nationwide Insurance’s Corporate Downtown Campus in Columbus, Ohio.
The building’s design is a balance between the traditional brick structures of the Arena District including the historic Moline Plow Building and contemporary buildings along High Street. Access to the north garage was critical to the parking strategy for the Nationwide employees. A relocated historic trestle bridge was repurposed as a pedestrian bridge that spans several existing rail lines and provides direct access to the newly expanded parking garage located to the north. The site also offers an informal green space for employees to enjoy.
The building offers many sustainable features and qualified as LEED Certified with the USGBC.
The Arena District
Columbus, Ohio
Nationwide Realty Investors/ Nationwide Insurance
$21,800,000.00, Core and Shell + Interiors
210,000, 000 SF, 5-Stories