Neighborhood Launch is a 470 unit urban living oasis set in a real community within the City of Columbus’ Special Improvement District. The new 7.5 acre, 9 city block Neighborhood consists of a variety of housing options ranging from urban townhomes to garden flats surrounding 7 new public park spaces. The development provides a connecting fabric for the downtown streetscape connecting the downtown to Art & Design District.
The Design Center is located within a renovated building adjacent to the new development and provides prospective owners the opportunity view and choose from a variety of interior finish pallets including flooring, work surfaces, door hardware, wall and trim paint colors, kitchen cabinets and appliances, light fixtures, etc. The center further provides the buyer the opportunity to experience the level of quality of all proposed finishes as represented by the design and detailing of the Design Center itself.
Columbus, Ohio
Edwards Companies
1,855 Square Feet